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Преобразование CSV-форматированного текста в ASCII-таблицу (with VIM support)

  1. Создаем ~/bin/tab и разрешаем его выполнение через chmod +x.
    Подразумевается что в PATH уже включен ~/bin/
  2. Форматируем данные, которые должны быть преобразованы в таблицу:
    1,my table,another field
    2,my table,yet another field
  3. Выделяем блок данных в VISUAL MODE и выполняем:
  4. Получаем
    | 1 | my table | another field     |
    | 2 | my table | yet another field |


#         FILE:  tab
#        USAGE:  "tab" or "untab"
#  DESCRIPTION:  This will turn comma seperated input from stdin into a text table.  
#                It can also then convert it back if program is invoked as "untab".
#                As well as being used on the command line, tab/untab can be
#                used from within vi, and can work on tables that are commented
#                out with # or //.
#      OPTIONS: 
#                -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                | Command/Option | Purpose                                              | 
#                |----------------|------------------------------------------------------|
#                | tab            | Reads from stdin and tabulates comma seperated input | 
#                | tab <-t>       | Tabulates input and assumes first row are titles     | 
#                | tab <-h>       | Prints this help                                     | 
#                | tab <-nb>      | Tabulates without a border                           | 
#                | tab <-fw X>    | Wrap fields greater than X big don't break words     | 
#                | tab <-fs X>    | Wrap fields greater than X big and break words       | 
#                | tab <-vp X>    | Vertically pad table by X lines                      | 
#                | tab <-hp X>    | Horizontally pad fields by X chars                   | 
#                | tab <-b X>     | Tabulates with a border made from char X             | 
#                |----------------|------------------------------------------------------|
#                | untab          | Reads from stdin and untabulates table input         | 
#                | untab <-b X>   | Untabulate a table with border char X                | 
#                | untab <-nb>    | Untabulate a borderless table                        | 
#                -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#         BUGS:  ---
#        NOTES:  ---
#       AUTHOR:  Ben Staniford (BTS), <ben.staniford@g nospam mai>
#      COMPANY:  
#      VERSION:  1.0
#      CREATED:  23/08/07 11:53:19 BST
#     REVISION:  ---

# 1. Make tab and untab keep existing indentation including inside comments
# 2. Store the comment regexp only once in a global variable
# 3. Allow facility to set the delimiter on the command line

use strict;
use warnings;

#Default values (Normally set from cmd line)
my $HPADDING=1;                    #How much horizontal padding
my $VPADDING=0;                    #How much vertical padding
my $VBORDER="|";                   #What is our vertical border?
my $HBORDER="-";                   #What is our horizontal border/divider?
my $wrapped_line_vpad=1;           #Should we vertically pad fields that have been word wrapped?
my $break_words_on_wrap=1;         #Should we break words when wrapping
my $field_wrap_boundary=0;         #How big should a field be before we wrap it?

my @max_field_sizes=();
my $max_col_count=0;
my $comment_char="";
my $titles=0;

sub tabulate();
sub get_fields($);
sub print_header_footer();
sub add_padding($);
sub	untabulate();
sub add_field_empty_space($$);
sub print_usage();
sub wrap_oversized_fields(@);
sub print_table_divider($);

#No STDERR under any circumstances
open (STDERR, ">/dev/null");

my $args = join ' ', @ARGV;
if ($args =~ /-t/) 			{ $titles=1; }
if ($args =~ /-nb/) 		{ $VBORDER=""; $HBORDER=""; $HPADDING=2;}
if ($args =~ /-b\s+(\S)/)  	{ $VBORDER=$1; $HBORDER=$1; $HPADDING=1;}
if ($args =~ /-fs\s+(\S+)/) { $field_wrap_boundary=$1; $break_words_on_wrap=0;}
if ($args =~ /-fw\s+(\S+)/) { $field_wrap_boundary=$1; $break_words_on_wrap=1;}
if ($args =~ /-vp\s+(\S+)/) { $VPADDING=$1}
if ($args =~ /-hp\s+(\S+)/) { $HPADDING=$1}
elsif ($args =~ /-h/) 		{ print_usage(); exit 0; }

#If we're invoked as "untab", i.e. via symlink, do the inverse of normal behavior
#Note, untab uses most of the same program arguments above.
chomp(my $PROGRAM_NAME = `basename $0`);
if ($PROGRAM_NAME eq "untab") {
} else {
exit 0;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name         | Purpose                            | Parameters | 
# |--------------|------------------------------------|------------|
# | tabulate()   | Main function that tabulates stdin |            | 
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
sub tabulate() {

	#Step 1, load the data into a list
	my @table=<STDIN>;

	#Step 2, If we have field length restrictions, reorder the table as
	#needed.  Note, this can't be untabbed.
	if ($field_wrap_boundary != 0) {
		@table = wrap_oversized_fields(@table);

	#Step 3, calculate the number of rows and columns from the input as well as the 
	#maximum field size for each column.  Also, work out if this table is in a comment.
	for my $line (@table) {
		chomp $line;
		my @fields = get_fields($line);
		my $counter=0;

		#Work out if the data is inside a comment
		if ($counter==0 && $line=~/^(\#|\/\/)/) {

		$line =~ s/^$comment_char//;
		for my $field (@fields) {
			if (!defined $max_field_sizes[$counter]) {
				$max_field_sizes[$counter] = 0;
			if ($max_field_sizes[$counter] < length($field)) {
				$max_field_sizes[$counter] = length($field);

		if ($counter > $max_col_count) {

	#Step 4, print out the table
	my $lcounter=0;
	for my $line (@table) {
		chomp $line;
		my @fields = get_fields($line);

		if ($comment_char ne "") {
			print "$comment_char ";

		if ($VBORDER ne "") {
			print $VBORDER.add_padding(" ");

		my $counter=0;
		#Print fields
		for my $field (@fields) {
			print "$field".add_field_empty_space(length($field), $counter).add_padding(" ");
			print $VBORDER.add_padding(" ");
		#Print any empty fields (if they exist)
		if ($counter < $max_col_count) {
			for (my $i=0;$i<($max_col_count - $counter);$i++) {
				print add_field_empty_space(0, $counter+$i).add_padding(" "); 
				print $VBORDER.add_padding(" ");
		print "\n";
		if ($VPADDING==1) {
			print_table_divider(" ");
		if ($titles && $lcounter==1) {

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name                  | Purpose                | Parameters               | 
# |-----------------------|------------------------|--------------------------|
# | print_table_divider() | Print out a divider in | Character divider should | 
# |                       | the table              | made from                | 
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub print_table_divider($) {

	my $divider_char = shift;
	if ($divider_char eq $HBORDER && $HBORDER eq "") {
	if ($comment_char ne "") {
		print "$comment_char ";
	for my $size (@max_field_sizes) {
		print $VBORDER.add_padding($divider_char);
		for (my $i=0;$i<$size;$i++) {
			print $divider_char;
		print "".add_padding($divider_char);
	print $VBORDER."\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name                   | Purpose                            | Parameters | 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | print_header_footer()  | Print out the tables header/footer |            | 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub print_header_footer() {

	my $divider_char = $HBORDER;
	if ($divider_char eq $HBORDER && $HBORDER eq "") {
	if ($comment_char ne "") {
		print "$comment_char ";
	for my $size (@max_field_sizes) {
		print $HBORDER.add_padding($divider_char);
		for (my $i=0;$i<$size;$i++) {
			print $divider_char;
		print "".add_padding($divider_char);
	print $HBORDER."\n";


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name                     | Purpose                    | Parameters         | 
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | add_field_empty_space()  | Print out the field spacer | Field Length (int) | 
# |                          |                            | Field Number (int) | 
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub add_field_empty_space($$) {
	my $ret="";
	my $field_length=shift;
	my $field_number=shift;
	my $empty_space_size=$max_field_sizes[$field_number] - $field_length;
	for (my $i=0;$i<$empty_space_size;$i++) {
		$ret.=" ";
	return $ret;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name          | Purpose                      | Parameters                 | 
# |---------------|------------------------------|----------------------------|
# | add_padding   | Print out the padding string | Padding character (string) | 
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub add_padding($) {
	my $padding_char = shift;
	my $ret="";
	for (my $i=0;$i<$HPADDING;$i++) {
	return $ret;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name         | Purpose                              | Parameters          | 
# |--------------|--------------------------------------|---------------------|
# | get_fields   | Extract a list of fields from a line | Input line (string) | 
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_fields($) {
	my $line=shift;
	my @fields = split ',',$line;
	my @ret=();
	for my $field (@fields) {
		$field =~ s/^\s*//;
		$field =~ s/\s*$//;
		push @ret, $field;
	return @ret;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name           | Purpose                                           | Parameters | 
# |----------------|---------------------------------------------------|------------|
# | untabulate()   | Perform the inverse function and untabulate stdin |            | 
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub untabulate() {

	my $counter=0;
	while (<STDIN>) {


		#Work out if the data is inside a comment
		if ($counter==0 && $_=~/^(\#|\/\/)/) {

		#Handle a borderless table specifically
		if ($HBORDER eq "" && $VBORDER eq "") {
		#This is a table with a border
		} else {
			my $hb_regexp="\\$HBORDER";
			my $vb_regexp="\\$VBORDER";

		for (my $i=0;$i<20;$i++) {

		s/,/, /g;   #If you want spaces as the default after commas
		if ($_ !~ /$comment_char\s/) {
			s/$comment_char/$comment_char /;
		if ($_ !~ /^\s*$/) {
			print "$_\n";


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Name                      | Purpose                                  | Parameters    | 
# |---------------------------|------------------------------------------|---------------|
# | wrap_oversized_fields()   | Wrap fields that are more than specified | List of lines | 
# |                           | size.  This works by rewriting the       |               | 
# |                           | comma seperated data so that extra lines |               | 
# |                           | are made.  For this reason this          |               | 
# |                           | function cannot easily be undone by "    |               | 
# |                           | untab"                                   |               | 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub wrap_oversized_fields(@) {

	my @table=@_;
	my @ret;

	#Go through each line in the table
	for my $line (@table) {
		my @overflow_buffer=();
		chomp $line;
		my $lcounter=0;

		#Work out if the data is inside a comment
		if ($lcounter==0 && $line=~/^(\#|\/\/)/) {

		$line =~ s/^$comment_char//;

		my @fields = get_fields($line);
		my @overflow_fields = ();
		my $fcounter = 0;

		#Go through fields in each line looking for fields that must be split
		for my $field (@fields) {
			if (length($field) > $field_wrap_boundary) {
				my $temp;
				#Wrap and preserve words
				if ($break_words_on_wrap) {
					while ($field =~ /^(.{0,$field_wrap_boundary}\b)/) {
				#Wrap and split words
				} else {
					while ($temp = substr($field, 0, $field_wrap_boundary)) {
						$temp =~ s/^\s*//;
						$field=substr($field, $field_wrap_boundary,length($field));
			} else {
			$fcounter ++;

		#Build the extra lines that must be put back into @table using the
		#@overflow_fields table
		my $keep_processing=1;
		while ($keep_processing) {


			my $counter = 0;
			for (@overflow_fields) {

				my $field, my $remainder;
				if( ($field, $remainder) = /^,(.*?)(,.*)$/) {
					my $a=1;
				} else {
				if ($field ne "") { $keep_processing = 1; }

				#Put any extra lines we make into the overflow buffer so that
				#that can be added into our return result.

		#Put the contents of the overflow buffer into our return result
		for $line (@overflow_buffer) {
			#print "OB: $line\n";
			$line =~ s/^,//;
			if ($line !~ /^,*$/) {
				push @ret, $line;
			} elsif ($wrapped_line_vpad==1) {
				push @ret, $line;

	return @ret;


sub print_usage() {

print <<END;
| Command/Option | Purpose                                              | 
| tab            | Reads from stdin and tabulates comma seperated input | 
| tab <-t>       | Tabulates input and assumes first row are titles     | 
| tab <-h>       | Prints this help                                     | 
| tab <-nb>      | Tabulates without a border                           | 
| tab <-fw X>    | Wrap fields greater than X big don't break words     | 
| tab <-fs X>    | Wrap fields greater than X big and break words       | 
| tab <-vp X>    | Vertically pad table by X lines                      | 
| tab <-hp X>    | Horizontally pad fields by X chars                   | 
| tab <-b X>     | Tabulates with a border made from char X             | 
| untab          | Reads from stdin and untabulates table input         | 
| untab <-b X>   | Untabulate a table with border char X                | 
| untab <-nb>    | Untabulate a borderless table                        | 

draw_table.1382072183.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/18 04:56 by kyxap